
Coach Phil’s Senior Soccer Tournament to End ALS is incredibly proud and thankful for our incredible partners that sponsor the event. Without their funding and in-kind support the tournament would not be possible.

Learn more about our partners and how you can become one bellow!

Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors!

Sponsorship Tiers

The foundation offers multiple sponsorship tiers for partners to contribute to ending ALS so that partners of any size and budget can support.

In-Kind Sponsors

Some partners offer in-kind contributions such as food, drink ,and professional services that are provided to players and tournament attendees over the weekend.

Funding Sponsors

Some partners offer financial donations of varying amounts to both help support tournament operations and directly fund ALS research and patient services.

Silent Auction & Raffle Partners

Some partners contribute items to the silent auction and raffle that are a key fundraising activity to raise as much funds as possible to end ALS.

Download Partnership
Options Today

If you or your organization would like to explore how you could partner with us, please download our sponsorship options today and contact us!



